Energy & utilities policy research
Europe is facing today to energy issues such as climate change, increasing dependence on imports, the strain on energy resources and access for all users to affordable, secure energy. Nowadays exists full range of energy sources from fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal) to nuclear energy and renewables (solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydro-electric and tidal).  Smart continent provides policy research for industry and governments seeking to reduce energy consumption and eliminate energy waste.

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Sustainable mobility policy research
Transport is becoming more and more significant in the context of globalization. On the one hand it is related to the trade and cargo flows, on the other hand is concerned with increasing people’s mobility. Smart Continent support European kind of thinking that research is needed to improve and demonstrate at a European scale the effectiveness and efficiency of integrated smart mobility solutions based on sustainable innovations.

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Environment policy research
Environment protection policy has crucial importance in the stimulation of economic growth in the global economy. Smart Continent assists public and private decision makers in shaping sustainable development keeping environment green and safe. An integrated approach comprising economic, institutional and technical perspectives is vital for greening environment. An integrated approach comprising economic, institutional and technical perspectives is vital for greening environment.

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Social policy research & inclusiveness
The increase in common social wealth is perceived by Smart Continent as integrated when there is improvement in
increasing employment – more and better jobs, especially for women, youth and elderly workers;  support for people of all ages in anticipating the changes in labour market and managing changes by learning and improving the skills;
the modernization of labour market and welfare systems and the assurance that the benefits of economic growth would be felt in all of the regions.

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