Smart Continent is in implementation of EU funded project.


Project title: Preparation of a proposal under the European Horizon 2023-2024 Work Programme Call Theme No HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01 “Safe, Resilient Transport and Smart Mobility Services for Passengers and Freight”

The problem addressed by the project: Transport provides significant socio-economic benefits; however we pay a high price for the convenience of travelling alone and transporting freight: the transport sector is one of the world’s biggest environmental polluters. It should also not be forgotten that the transport sector is closely linked to other sectors such as education, health, industry, etc. Despite the logical link between the sectors, it has been observed in the context of international R&D projects that planning documents for transport and other sectors are not fully harmonised at local or national level, and that there is still a lack of a systematic approach to decision-making, which leads to a lack of efficiency and waste of resources. In order to coordinate actions more effectively and to achieve specific and/or common objectives, it is necessary to foster synergies between different sectors and to harmonise their planning processes. It is also increasingly noted that citizens do not trust and support the decisions taken by governments, and that public involvement in sectoral planning processes is often formal but not conceptual. It is therefore crucial to find ways to effectively strengthen public involvement in the planning of policy interventions and, consequently, in the subsequent phases of implementation.

It is therefore necessary to develop a methodological tool – guidelines – to assist in the formulation of transport policies, mobility systems and, consequently, to help public authorities to assess the impact of certain envisaged actions/initiatives, in order to make them more sustainable and to reflect the interests of different social groups, for example, considering gender, age, location and its specificities, and/or the income of the inhabitants, mobility needs etc.

European Horizon 2023-2024 Work Programme foresees a call for proposals on “Safe, Resilient Transport and Smart Mobility Services for Passengers and Goods” under the theme “Policies and governance shaping the future transport and mobility systems” in the European Horizon 2023-2024 Work Programme from 7 May 2024 to 5 September 2024.

Within the framework of the call and the theme, a proposal is planned to be submitted to develop innovative guidelines (methodological guidance, concept – the proposal will decide on the most effective form of the tool) for cities (local administrations, but also for central government) on the development of transport/mobility policies and on the assessment of the impact of initiatives or actions, integrating them with other sectoral planning, taking into account the changing mobility context, social, gender and other relevant aspects. The guidelines will also reflect recommendations on how to effectively strengthen public involvement in the design of policy interventions. To this end, different groups in society will also be involved in the development of the tool itself.

To prepare and submit a proposal under the terms of the EC call, the aim is to form a consortium of competent partners and to include in the case different cities in the EU Member States as “living labs”, facing different challenges due to their geographical location, culture, behavioural patterns of their inhabitants etc. At the same time, an active co-creation process will be used, involving researches developing the theoretical model and local administrations with the practical experience and public representatives who will voice the real needs and expectations of the population.

The aim is to form a consortium of 10-15 partners from the following countries: Spain, the Netherlands, Poland, Germany, Slovenia, Greece, Italy. Partners will be selected on the basis of the eligibility criteria set out in the EH 2023-2024 Work programme, the experience of previous Horizon 2020 projects, ensuring interdisciplinarity (reflecting urban, transport planning, environmental, social aspects). The European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI), which brings together research institutes and universities from more than 20 different countries active in the fields of mobility and transport, will also be involved in the formation of the consortium of partners (to publicise the consortium and the idea of the proposal, to search for potential partners, etc.).

Project objective: Formation of a consortium and preparation of a proposal for the European Horizon call No HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-09

Project activity: European Horizon programme acceleration

Project implementation period: November 2023 – September 2024

Project value and amount of funding: EUR 29 986,45 (rounded to EUR 30 000)